B200 Software Package


After a very gratifying period in hunting for pulsar signals got stuck,
partially due to exhausting the list of pulsars detectable by my setup and partially because the increasing level of RFI on 23cm.


Bigger Antenna

It was a not a viable solution for me

Wider Bandwidth

A more feasible target, the sensitivity in detecting pulsar is proportional to the square root of the received bandwidth.
To have a substantial advantage and justify the effort for a 1 to 2 gain ratio i had to pass from 10Mhz (AirSpy) to at least 40Mhz.

First Attempt

The first candidate was to use the RedPitaya SDR:

Red Pitaya

RedPitaya has 2 16 bits fast ADC and DAC, a very valuable board with a tehoretical capability of 100Mhz I/Q data. collection.
Unfortunately the flow of samples had to go through the internal CPU (900Mhz dual core) not fast enough.
The Red Pitaya is certainly very good choice for making an HF SDR transceiver at a very reasonable price but not covering my expectation.

Second Attempt

Ettus Research, a company producing professional grade SDR were offering a sort of downgraded spinoff with the B200 mini product.
Downgraded simply because smaller than the rest of the production and at an effordable price for an amateur application (not cheap though).

The specifications can be found here:

B200 mini

Apparently compatible with the original goal.
It took a while before being able to have 56Mhz of data rate correctly received, properly transformed and finally recorded on disk.
The software implementation (B200_System)is all done on a Linux machine and , as a backward compatibility but also as a cheaper option for anyone interested,
includes the handling of the AirSpy fully compatible with the rest of the system.

B200_System Documentation

Still a draft document but available here:

B200_System Documentation

B200_System Software

Already tested and working, available ,for now, on request to anyone interested.


Unfortunately RFI was continuosly growing on 23cm and so far
and even if i had some interesting result much better if compared with 10Mhz bandwidth
i could not move any further from the previous 23 pulsar detection.
The following picture gives an easy explanation:

The screen shot was taken in a 60Mhz wide window centered at 1300Mh.
With th hold feature it took less than one hour to have the whole band saturated by the strogest signal which was ,apparently, randomly hopping from one to another channel.
It was not the only signal,of the same type; on the band but the strongest was covering the other.
Each signal is 2 Mhz wide and lasts for microseconds but with repetition every couple of seconds.
The source is unknwon but is seems coming from the sky (signals are stronger with the antenna elevated) and not limited to my location.
The more credible hipothesys is of air traffic control of military origin in the Mediterranean area.
The activity is always present but with a variable level.
A check outside the above limits shows the same band occupation spanning from about 1225Mhz to more than 1400Mhz.